Glitsa Finish
Wood floors allow the warmth and beauty of nature to be part of your interior environment. With proper care, and
maintenance your floor will continue to radiate beauty for generations. Wood flooring will perform best when the interior
environment is controlled to stay within a relative humidity range of 30% to 50% and a temperature range of 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Here are a few guidelines to help you care for your floor:
Floor wear refers to the protective finish and not to the wood itself. BoardHouse solvent and water based urethane finishes
are carefully applied in multiple coats to create one of the most beautiful but durable wood finishes in the industry. Even
so, our finishes are still vulnerable to abrasives. Tracked-in sand and hard surfaces (chair and furniture legs, etc.) that rub
against the floor will eventually wear down even the most resistant protective finish. The following tips will help you protect your floor against premature wear:
- Always use appropriate felt pad protectors under chair and furniture legs. Ensure that the pads are securely
attached to a flat surface (may require removal of factory furniture glides), kept clean, and in good condition. - Be sure that eating areas are clear of any crumbs. These can cause abrasive rubbing between the floor and the
felt pads, which will lead to scratching. - Dry dust mop and vacuum the floor regularly to remove all sand and other abrasives. Ensure vacuum has
urethane wheels/casters. Grit and grime tends to build up on hard plastic wheels causing the soiled vacuum
wheels to scratch the finish. - Place indoor and outdoor walk-off mats at each door with exterior access to keep dirt and grit abrasives as well as
moisture from being tracked onto the floor.
Water or Moisture
Wood interacts naturally with humidity, expanding, as it grows more humid and contracting as it dries. The engineered
structure of our wood floors allows the floorboards to resist some of the resulting movement. However, liquid spills or wide
variations in humidity can have a visible impact on floors. To reduce the risks of floorboard movement:
- Keep relative humidity levels in your home between 30% and 55%. In summer, when the air is humid, keep rooms
well ventilated and use a dehumidifier if necessary. In winter when heating dries out the air, use a humidifier. - Promptly wipe up spills on the floor with a damp or well-rung cloth.
- Avoid indoor rugs with undersides made of rubber or any other material that prevents air from circulating
properly beneath the rug. - Use mats or rugs near sinks or dishwashers to avoid excess moisture.
- Do not allow water to stand on your floor at any time, including when cleaning. Excessive water will damage
your wood floor. - Insure proper drainage of all downspouts and/or any ground moisture near the foundation of the building.
Marks on the floor surface occur when the wood fibers are crushed. When this happens, the protective finish most of the
time remains intact, simply molding to the shape of the indentation. Marking can be caused by heavy objects striking the
floor or being moved across the floor, as well as by repeated rubbing or small impacts. To avoid marks on the floor:
Protect the floor when moving heavy furniture such as refrigerator. Use specially designed glides or slide the
furniture on a new clean piece of upside-down carpet or Masonite sheathing.
Support heavy furniture and appliances with wide weight bearing, non-staining glides or rubber casters.
Check that high heel shoes are in good repair, a dangerous enemy for any type of floor covering. Stiletto heals
or the exposed metal post of any high heel will exert between 2,000-8,000 lbs. per square inch and can even
damage a cement floor!
• If you have larger pets, keep their claws well trimmed.
Other Considerations
• Please avoid using any blue painters tape on your floor. It may pull off the finish when removed or leave
behind residue.
• The sun can have a lightening and/or darkening effect on wood flooring. Areas where furniture and rugs
block the sun will be a slightly different shade until the sun has the opportunity to reach those areas.
• If necessary, install UV protectant coatings and draperies over any windows and doors that allow direct
sunlight on the wood flooring.
Ordinary Periodic Cleaning Method
Regular vacuuming (Miele vacuums are recommended), and occasional damp mopping with the Glitsa Cleaner is the
proper method in which to clean your floor.
We recommend the Glitsa Cleaner (available in ready-to-use spray bottles), and the Glitsa Maintenance mop kit; one
microfiber pad specifically for dry/dust cleaning and one pad specifically for damp cleaning. These are both available on
1. Vacuum and dust mop with microfiber cloth pad before to remove any loose dirt.
2. Spray cleaning solution onto floor, making sure to mist not heavily coat.
3. Damp mop surface thoroughly with microfiber pad. Don’t soak the floor.
4. When your pad becomes soiled, detach from mop, rinse with water, thoroughly wring out the pad,
reattach to mop, and continue cleaning with it. When the mop pad becomes excessively soiled, detach
the pad from the mop and launder.
5. Allow the floor to air dry. No rinsing required.
6. Repeat as necessary for stubborn spots. If required, apply more liberally to local spots for treatment.
7. Be sure and never soak the floor with water.
• Please do not use any oil soap, paste wax, silicone-based polishes, ammonia, chlorine bleach, or
abrasive cleaners or scrubbers that may scratch or react with the floor finish.
• Please do not allow water to stand on your floor for any time, including while cleaning.
Excessive water will damage your floor.
Please do not wait until the finish is worn off and dirt and spills penetrate the wood. A professional should perform
complete re-coating when the floor looks dry and is showing signs of wear. Never let a floor get down to the stain or the
raw wood.
Please contact us at 310-400-5569 if you have further questions.
Thank you.